Updated and Enhanced
New England Trade Barter App
New England Trade for the iPhone snd Android is the ultimate tool for accessing your New England Trade barter account on the go. For the first time you can now manage your up-to-the-minute account activity, find the newest exchange members, see businesses nearby, find goods and services available for trade and process barter transactions using your iPhone or other Android device from anywhere in the world where you have a data connection. Put the full power of your barter account in your hands with New England Trade app.
How to Use:
Log-in using your New England Trade Marketplace username and password.
Register online if do not have a Marketplace username and password or want to reset your password.
App Features
- New—View up to 18 months of transactions
- New—QR identification card in the palm of your hand
- New—Keep a list of your Favorites
- New—Get recommendations for new trading partners
- What’s Nearby on Maps, showing only businesses in your area on trade
- Account information, Recent Transactions, and Trade balance
- Swipe only locations feature, showing only members that accept swipe
- Process Authorizations
- Search Member Directory
- New—Authorization Only Mode to simply transactions for your staff.