Benefits of Barter
What is barter?
Barter is trading what your business sells for other Goods or Services. There is no limit to what can or cannot be traded. By joining New England Trade’s member based barter network you will open many new doors for your business. When you barter you earn trade dollars that are deposited into your barter account. Those earned trade dollars that can be spent anywhere within our network of members.
Barter Generates New Customers: This allows you to expand your market and maintain your cash-paying customers. This is incremental business-customers who bypass competing businesses to do business with you.
Barter Conserves Cash: Barter creates new customers because buyers are motivated to pay with their products or services and save cash. Simply put: If you had to make a purchase for $1000.00, would you rather write a check or pay with an equal amount of your product or service at its normal selling price to a new customer?
Networking Expands Your Customer Base: Most business know the value of a referral from a customer. Many times barter customers are the owners of their business. Business owners are more likely to send you referrals that will generate new cash business for you.
Find New Customers
Most small to mid sized businesses have challenges that they have never faced before. With restrictions and the rising costs of operating a business it is becoming increasingly difficult to gain competitive edge over the competition.
Very simply put – we have new business for you. New England Trade, New England’s Premier Barter Company, is based in Malden, MA. Since 1980 we have helped thousands of small and mid size businesses trade millions in dollars of Goods and Services without using Cash.
Increase Productivity by Filling Downtime and Unused Capacity:
• Increase billable hours: If you are not at 100% capacity 12 months a year and you can handle new customers, we can help you fill your
free time with new business opportunities. Use your trade dollars to purchase what you need.
• Hotels use barter to fill vacant rooms: Using the trade dollars to offset cash expenditures such as pest control, carpet cleaning, or advertising allows you to turn a perishable asset into new revenue for your business. The possibilities are endless.
• Manufacturers: If you are currently operating at 90% of your capacity, for example growing to 93% changes very little in the cost of production. This allows you to maximize the value of a trade dollar with only the incremental cost of the goods produced.
• Excess Inventory: Bartering allows you to offer your excess inventory at your regular prices instead of liquidating for pennies on the dollar. By turning your inventory you can free up valuable space on your shelves for new inventory to generate cash business.